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Statistics Homework Writing Checklist

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Are you pursuing statistics major? You already know it is the homework season, and they are coming hot. Our statistics homework writing checklist could help you nail your next stat homework.

1. Make your homework in the right format.

Your professor expects you to submit your solution in the required format. If you fail to follow this simple instruction, your instructor may reject your solution or fail to grade it. Most stats assignments are usually submitted in the form of a word document and CSV file. You should talk to your professor or seek help if you are unfamiliar with the format you have been asked to use.

2. Have a thorough understanding of the instructions and requirements

Writing an assignment that does not cater to the requirements is useless. A marking rubric outlines the key areas you should focus on when curating the solution. It would help if you wrote your homework along these lines. To understand what you are being assessed on, create time to go through the instructions and marking rubric. If some of the instructions are too complicated, you should seek clarifications from your instructor. Also, you can easily hire a stat professional to assist you with concepts you are not acquainted with.

3. Be explicit and precise with your solution

Take time to research extensively and unpack relevant information that your homework requires. Most statistics require in-depth knowledge of gathering, analyzing, and presenting data. One of the basic statistical tools you should be familiar with is excel. However, some students need assistance with advanced excel formulas to take their analysis skills to the next level. A statistics homework requires you to demonstrate a specific kind of thinking. You must interpret what your professor expects. For example, discussing, analyzing, and researching may vary from professor to professor. What may count as a discussion to one professor may be a summary to another. For this reason, it would be best if you expound on your solution and include all the aspects. Remember to paraphrase excellently and include enough examples and references to support your argument.

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4. Check for plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious academic crime. You should always craft your solution from scratch and cite all the sources you have used in your paper. Before submitting your homework for grading, you should check it for plagiarism on Turnitin. It is a good practice to submit your solution along with a plagiarism report. Please do not underestimate the time it would take you to eliminate traces of plagiarism and citing sources. Avoid falling into this common trap by referencing as you go. Do not wait until you have finished working on your homework.

5. Know your audience

Different kinds of statistics academic papers have different tones. If you are writing a thesis, dissertation, or research paper, your instructor grading your paper may not be the only reader you should worry about. While your professor is always more knowledgeable on your topic than you, a typical audience may not be informed on the topic. It would be best if you always had a concrete understanding of your audience.

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You can write a brilliant write-up, but if it doesn't meet the standards mentioned on this checklist, your instructor will not reward you for it. It would help if you always remembered to re-read the requirements a couple of times before you started working on the assignment. Keep referring to the question and instructions to ensure you are not veering off on a tangent. Proof your work after some time. A break and a fresh set of eyes will help you note mistakes you couldn’t see before.

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